Image: Nina Fraser 2025.
Perception / Finding Ground
This work redefines the mediums of collage, printmaking and drawing through a frottage technique that excavates the magazine page for its material resources. Drawing from a plant orientated form of thinking ‘on its head’ these light box works aim to unsettling our notions of categorization, within the plant world and within artistic disciplines.
Drawn to concepts and methods that derive from the fragmented image, my interest lies in combining them with an instinctive ‘brush’ stroke that manipulates the hierarchy of traditionally separate mediums (painting, printmaking, collage). It is also about the way we make rhizomatic connections and interact with our surroundings. Like fungi that slip through classification systems, the world becomes less of an ordered system, and more of a place of re-exploration. Deleuze and Guattari's rhizome pose an alternative to the hierarchical “tree” structure of power as a radical starting point toward rethinking the relationship between humans and the supporting biosphere. Rather than isolating nature to the symbolic order of structures of thought and polarities, there is an understanding of a perception of the vegetal world as a fundamentally symbiotic system of interrelations between roots, rhizomes and soil.