Inauguração: "FULL CIRCLE #2"
International Women's day - March 8th 6 - 8pm Raquel Cardoso, Eglė Duleckytė, Jayne Dyer, Francesca Faulin, Nina Fraser, Rebecca Fontaine-Wolf, Mary St. George, Franka Struys Studio Seco, Travessa do Giestal 45a, Lisboa 1300-277 To mark International Women’s Day, we come together in Full Circle as a group of 8 female artists from 8 different countries to reimagine an art community which embraces new structures that foster collaboration, diversity, and inclusion. Each of us, at various stages of our careers has chosen to join forces, work together, support, and elevate one another. Full Circle is a testament to our commitment to creating a space where collaboration thrives and the diversity of our mediums, styles, techniques, and themes becomes an asset rather than a means of division. Delving into our disparate artistic expressions, themes emerge: women’s bodies, nature's cycles, and societal norms, are not isolated concepts but strands woven together in the tapestry of our collective consciousness, reflecting the essence of our shared experiences. As we collectively shape a narrative that challenges, inspires, and celebrates the power of women in art, we break free from the confines of tradition, forging a path toward a more inclusive artistic landscape. Unconnected Yet – Lorne
Exhibition: 16 December 2023 - 7 January 2024 Opening: Friday 15th December, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Lorne Community Connect, 2 Otway Street, Lorne 3232, Victoria, Australia Unconnected Yet – Lorne is a traveling and expanding exhibition about the junction between things—creativity that explores any combination of art and science or cross-curricular inquiry. Unconnected Yet assembles the work of 74 collage-based artists from 11 countries and bridges the art and science communities of Boston, Kolkata, and Lorne, bringing art from near and far to Lorne Community Connect, Lorne, Australia. Exhibition: 16th December 2023 - 7th January 2024 Opening: Friday 15th December, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Curated By: Todd Bartel, Daniela Esponda, Teri Henderson, Talin Megherian, Natasha Narain, Meaghan Shelton BBB VISION Founded by Ujjal Sarkar, Bengal Boston Bridge (BBB) exists to push the boundaries of human knowledge by integrating artistic, scientific, and cross-curricular edit.
Visions in word & image assembled in an exhibition & book
Motive: “We get on the way, but soon we dash against borders. Boundaries created by others, with custom control, walls or even land mines. Or we collide with norms and morals. And, sooner or later, we are limited by physical or mental restrictions” Initiative: Drager Meurtant (NL), Jeanine Keuchenius & Petra Senn (D). Participants: the three organizing artists, plus Katherine Chang-Liu (USA), Brian Dickerson (USA), Nina Fraser (Portugal), Joris van Gennip (NL), Carlo Grassini & Bill Thomas (USA), Sylvia Hubers (NL), Michal Iwanoski (Poland / UK), George Kabel (NL), Max King Cap (USA), Anna-Maria Komorowska (D), Oliver Merce (RO), Dorothee Mesander (GR), Ruth Philo (UK), Martien Vogelesang (NL). The Milkfactory / De Melkfabriek, Guldenvliesstraat4H, 5211 AM 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, May 27 – June 18, 2023. White and Gold: Nina Fraser, Stephen Foster and Russell FramptonPRIVATE VIEW & ARTISTS TALK:
Saturday, 25th February 4 - 6pm Hatch Gallery, 7A Church Street, Christchurch, Dorset, UK Continues 26th Feb - 24th March 2023 Showcasing a selection of my 'Autumn leaves' series - a body of work I've been developing since winter 2021, encapsulating traces of foliage collected from the woods close to my family's home in Dorset, UK. The technique of frottage attempts to preserve something already decomposing using a variety of unusual processes - exploring themes of memory and time through an intervention into the natural cycles of decay and regrowth. 'Undergrowth', 2022, Graphite, wax, magazine ink on rice paper, 73 x 112 cm