Chaos & Infusion, as the title suggests, began with something of a disorder; a cluster of ideas, thoughts and materials, constructed and re-worked into for a period of seven days. The resulting body of work is in a state of flux, connecting materials and imagery together in a momentary cosmic micro system. Using the marks on the wall used by previous artists the boundaries are set for my own work. Fragile, ephemeral shapes take shape and swim through the space. It is difficult not to assume a link with global issues and environmental decline, although it was not the preconceived intention. Rather, the construction and deconstruction harnessed during the installation felt akin to a connected understanding of all things - all component parts of life are infused, everything is connected, beauty can be found in the fragmentary connections made between assumptions, preconceptions and the glue that holds them in together.
The exhibition ended with a concert of improvised music by Gestalt; (Manuel Guimarães, António Duarte, Paulo Galão) >watch it here
Galeria 78/80, Lisbon, Portugal
06 - 18 Dec 2016
06 - 18 Dec 2016