White and Gold: Nina Fraser, Stephen Foster and Russell FramptonPRIVATE VIEW & ARTISTS TALK:
Saturday, 25th February 4 - 6pm Hatch Gallery, 7A Church Street, Christchurch, Dorset, UK Continues 26th Feb - 24th March 2023 Showcasing a selection of my 'Autumn leaves' series - a body of work I've been developing since winter 2021, encapsulating traces of foliage collected from the woods close to my family's home in Dorset, UK. The technique of frottage attempts to preserve something already decomposing using a variety of unusual processes - exploring themes of memory and time through an intervention into the natural cycles of decay and regrowth. 'Undergrowth', 2022, Graphite, wax, magazine ink on rice paper, 73 x 112 cm